CNJSROOFING is the top choice for all your construction needs in Elizabethtown, KY. Our general contractors are dedicated to providing exceptional construction services to our customers. We specialize in metal roofing, roof replacements, roof installations, roof waterproofing, home remodeling, and gutter installations, giving our clients a wide range of options to choose from. Our experts bring expertise and experience to each project, ensuring we exceed our clients' expectations.
If you're looking to update your home or business, our team is here to help you with every step of the process. We specialize in custom home remodeling, providing expert advice and a full range of services to give your property a modern look and feel. Our services are designed to give you a home that is custom-tailored to your needs and preferences, making it your dream home in every sense. We also specialize in roofing services, ensuring that your property is well-protected and secure against harsh weather conditions.
We don't just build homes and businesses; we craft them with care and attention to detail. Our services provide an outdoor space perfect for entertaining guests, relaxing, and enjoying the beautiful Elizabethtown, KY, weather. At CNJSROOFING, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch services at an affordable price. Get in touch today, and let us take care of all your construction needs.